To be owned by neighbourhood, tech. industry and local business actors, ports are designed as a kind of scaffold for media/animation, greening, entertainment, better comfort/shelter & trade. The elements are proposed to be installed, with consultation, in a staged manner, making use of the digital tools developed already for this….
Retail at Old Street disappoints, an inferior public realm, open to abuse. Reconfiguring the lower level and enlarging the mall, to create an open court, can leverage through brighter & larger units enough to fund improvements, could this even allow for a lift?!
The floating elevated house an emblem of displacement from Michigan ( ) to Old Street, says that somehow we need to be able to act globally without displacing or laying waste..
Removing the existing Iconic advertisement support structure will allow for the re-use of the existing supports. We propose replacing these with two Treepits, one elevated, the other sunken below.